
Spring Motorcycle Maintenance Checklist

Before you tear off down that sunny highway, check out our spring motorcycle maintenance checklist.

Temperatures are rising and Texas wildflowers are poking their heads out of the ground.  Spring is officially here, and you’re itching to break your motorcycle out of hibernation.  We know that feverish anticipation all too well! Spring motorcycle maintenance is the last thing on your mind, but before you speed off into the sunset, take a step back and check your bike for these important signs of the “winter blues”.

There’s nothing worse than gearing up on a beautiful day, only to be side-lined half a mile down the road by something preventable. Even though we happen to know a couple of guys you could call if you don’t take our advice.  

We’ve compiled this easy checklist to get your motorcycle spring ready:

  • Inspect the oil level when the bike is level, it should fill the sight glass at least half-way

(This means stand your bike up, make sure it’s not on a steeply graded driveway, flat tire, etc.)

    • Signs it might be time to change your motorcycles brake fluid
  • Inspect brake fluid color, if applicable. Dark fluid means it needs to be replaced.

(Check your owner’s manual for specifics on when you should change this based on your mileage, but you’ll be glad you checked the fluid coloring anyways.)

  • Check that your controls are working properly, this includes front and rear brakes, throttle and clutch.

(Ah yes, a good ol’ spring warm up. We can practically hear and smell the exhaust now! [Just make sure your garage is open first, carbon monoxide poisoning has unruly side effects.])

  • Check tire pressure, tires tend to lose psi over colder periods. Check your owner’s manual for correct tire pressure.

(Don’t just kick your tire and say “yep, pressure looks good”… Be sure to get a read on what the PSI is, and what it should be.)

  • Check tires for any cracks or signs of distress.

(Check your tires for signs that it may be time to get a new set. Each type of tire is different, but there are specific wear marks that should give you an indication when to get new ones.)

  • Check all exposed lines for leaks.

(Check the ground, are there any noticeable drops around where you’ve been storing your bike? Better yet, warm her up and see if that changes. Exposed lines go through a lot of “wear and tear” just by sitting through the cold all winter.)

motorcycle maintenance frisco - motorcycle tires frisco - spring riding checklist

  • Check chain/belt tension, refer to your owner’s manual for proper slack specifications. If the belt or chain show signs of wear, replace immediately.

(Chains and belts that are too tight or too loose are both equally dangerous and can hurt the rider and the motorcycle if not adjusted and fitted properly. Be sure you know what you are doing if you do this at home!)

  • Last check before riding! Make sure your headlight, both running light and hi-beam, all blinkers, and tail light are in working order.

(You wouldn’t want to get pulled over for something silly like lights, when it’s speeding tickets you’re really after!)

Now that’s all fine and dandy, but we know you’re already elbow deep in a “Spring Cleaning” list that’s miles long. Don’t forget that we come to you to check these off your list in one move, leaving you with a spring-ready bike and a little extra ridin’ time.